Proffer Agreements

Proffer agreements are a legal tool used in criminal cases to protect defendants who provide cooperation and information to law enforcement officials. These agreements, also known as “queen for a day” letters, allow individuals to provide information to prosecutors in exchange for immunity from prosecution or reduced charges.

Proffer agreements are beneficial for both the prosecution and the defense. For prosecutors, they provide an opportunity to gather valuable information and evidence that can help build a case against other defendants or higher-level criminals. For defendants, proffer agreements can result in a reduction in charges, sentence length, or even a dismissal of charges altogether.

To enter into a proffer agreement, a defendant must provide information that is truthful and complete regarding their own criminal activity and that of others. The information provided must be relevant to the investigation, and must be information that the prosecution does not already have. The defendant must also waive their constitutional right against self-incrimination, meaning that anything they say during the proffer session can be used against them in court if they do not honor their obligations under the agreement.

Once a proffer agreement has been reached, the defendant will be given a limited immunity from prosecution based on the information they provide. This immunity typically covers only the specific crimes and individuals discussed during the proffer session. If the defendant provides false or incomplete information, or fails to cooperate fully with the prosecution, the immunity can be revoked, and they may be subject to prosecution.

Proffer agreements can be an effective tool in criminal cases, but they should only be entered into with the guidance of an experienced criminal defense attorney. It is important to carefully review the terms of any proffer agreement and to fully understand the rights and obligations of all parties involved.

In conclusion, proffer agreements are an important legal tool used in criminal cases to encourage defendants to provide valuable information to prosecutors. These agreements can provide benefits to both the prosecution and the defense, but they should be entered into with caution and with the guidance of an experienced criminal defense attorney.